About Us
PEACE relies on the expertise and wisdom of many people. Each person in the PEACE project brings important experience and ideas. We call ourselves a critical community of practice (CCoP) to ensure that our strength comes from:
- Shared Knowledge that is shaped when we exchange ideas at our monthly CCoP gatherings, our annual institute, and one-to-one dialogue in partnerships. We share ways that the arts can deepen 21st Century Skills (21C), Career, College, & Civic Readiness (CCCR), and Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) education.
- Community that grows over time and encourages participation and willingness to share difficulties, successes, and questions. Our community does not favor any one school district, content area, cultural partner, or artistic discipline. We celebrate hybrid and unique partnerships.
- Practices that focus on arts-based learning, middle & high-school needs and interests, all of those “C” concepts (21C, CCCR, CR-S), and of course sharing our experiences as novices, experts, local, or global practitioners.
The US Department of Education provides funding for administration to ensure the success of our work.
Christine Baum
Project Manager
Linda Beckerman
Assistant Director
Loretta Corbisiero-Drakos
Education Specialist
Isabella Fernanda
Project Assistant Translator
April Francis-Taylor
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist
Starr Fuentes
PEACE Journalist
Beth Giacummo
PAC Executive Director, Project Director, and Arts Specialist
Ismerlyn Gonzalez
Research Analyst
Michelle Lopez
Art Therapy Specialist Consultant
Gabriela Manfredi
Social/Digital Media Manager
Michael Mastermaker
Website & Design Consultant
Benny Migliorino
Laura Reeder
Curriculum Director
Meg Sexton
Development Assistant & Content Editor
Kim Wild